20 Westway, Caterham, CR3 5TP. 01883 331006. Info@caterhamosteopaths.co.uk
What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy; one of only two complementary medicines regulated by law in the UK.
Osteopaths are primary health practitioners - meaning there is no need to see your GP before booking an appointment.
Osteopaths are highly trained to test and diagnose - not only what is causing the symptoms, but also to look for the underlying mechanical problems that may have led to the condition.
They are also trained to identify when a problem is not mechanical in origin, and to refer onwards if needed.
Osteopathy is based on the principle that the body, in most circumstances, is able to heal itself.
If there is pain or dysfunction in the body, then something is stopping that self healing mechanism from functioning.
Osteopaths treat using a wide variety of manual techniques, from very gentle to quite firm, as appropriate to the case and the patient.
These techniques are designed to correct whatever is stopping the body from being able to heal and allow it to resume normal function
What is Cranial Osteopathy?
Cranial Osteopathy is a more refined and subtle type of osteopathic treatment. It encourages the release of tensions within the body that are hard to treat by conventional techniques.
It is very gentle, yet also highly effective and can be used to treat a wide range of conditions in people of all ages, from birth to old age.
Treatment Prices:
New Patient - up to 1 Hr - £60
New Patient (Concession/child) - £55
Follow on consultation - 30 mins - £55
Follow on (Concession/child) - £50

Our Practitioners

Matthew Thompson
BSc (Ost), DO.
Matt is the most experienced practitioner at Caterham Osteopaths; if you have some unusual symptoms that no-one else can figure out, chances are he's seen it before!
He works in his own blend of cranial and structural osteopathy, and relishes the challenge of hard to diagnose cases.

Chris Thompson
MOst, DO.
Chris graduated from the European school of Osteopathy in 2011, and since then has worked both for the NHS and in private practice.
Since graduating, Chris has developed his own style of osteopathic practice which is a blend of both structural and cranial osteopathy, along with exercise rehabilitation.
This is backed up by his experience as a hockey player and mountain biker, and his management of his own injuries from these sports.
Chris particularly enjoys treating and puzzling out complex, chronic or long term problems.

Saeed Akhtar
D.O, N.D, D Ac. BSc (Hons) Osteopathy - Member of Royal Society of Medicine
Saeed qualified as an Osteopath in 1992 and has always had a keen interest in health and medicine. starting his studies with Acupuncture in 1980.
His desire to become a more complete healer led to studying many different systems of medicine and healthcare including qualifications as a Master Herbalist M.H (1982), Naturopathic Medicine N.D (1992), Osteopathy D.O (1992). In 2019 Saeed completed the conversion course at BCOM with the University of Plymouth to attain BSc (Hons) degree.
Saeed has a particular interest in treating the TMJ (Jaw joint), which stems from him having founded and managed a dental clinic for many years and noting the number of people who have TMJ dysfunction. He has completed multiple courses to become a specialist in this area.
Saeed uses a blend of traditional and modern osteopathic techniques, which he tailors around the patient to best suit their individual condition and preferences.
In addition to Osteopathy Saeed is trained in various styles of massage and bodywork, therapeutic taping, vacuum cupping, IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation).
